Monday, February 8, 2010

knit'n me up some road-kill!

Christa pointed this out to me from a magazine a few years ago and I must share! This is sick and terrible...and I will make it.
I found the image on, but with no pattern (::sigh::)
I can so figure this out. although, I'm thinking a possum instead of a kitty. I'm sort of fond of cats. Possums are kind of evil and creepy. From the looks of it, it's crochet. Easypeasy.
mmmmmm...the sweet savory taste of shock and disgust!
Todays to do list: start road-kill pillow for my couch.
Next weeks to do list: Finish road-kill pillow.
Week after to-do list: Invite friends over for a tea party.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday is for the Skiers

I don't pretend to like football. I have tried to understand it. I have even tried to play it. I just don't get it. Needless to say...I don't watch football. Ever. My favorite day of the year....usually? Super Bowl Sunday! But this year is different. Eric went and got his leg all banged up so there will be no skiing for us this season :( This is so disappointing what with all the snow that came in this weekend! ::sigh::

I'll miss you Shawnee Mountain! Et tu Mountain Creek! Your semi-warm hot chocolates, packed fire pits, lazy snowboarders to weave in and out through, slow lifts, $20 lunches and bad radio stations. I really will miss you this season. It just doesn't feel right to go without Mr. Eric.

At least I'll have time to redesign my ski boots for next season. They are currently white, lime green, purple and pink....blech. They remind me of tall plastic Nike's from the 90's slapped in the face with dayglo. I will be posting pictures of the progress.

Just so you know, Super Bowl Sunday is the absolute best day to go skiing EVER. You can pretty much stake all of the slopes as your own and the maybe the three other skiers on the slopes. In other words...Super Bowl was made for skiing!